
Little Dreams of Little Girls

Little girls are made up of little thoughts, little ideas and a lot of cuteness. They have no worries, they have no cares. They braid their dolls and play with their tea-sets. Daddy’s peaches and Mommy’s pumpkins, life cannot get better than this. They wear frocks with flowers printed on them with buckled shoes and a bouncy pony-tail. Little girls have little dreams which are as bright as the sun and as pink as their smiling lips.

Six year old Sara is a little girl. She does all that mentioned above. More than the chirping of the birds, you will hear Sara talk. Random words, phrases, instructions, descriptions of anything and everything. Howie is a constant companion and he listens to everything very intently. To a random stranger, she is just a cute little person rattling away a non-sense dream-world. If you catch this sight of blabber and cheer, your day is made…It’s Heaven! What she does best is walk from home to school with her Mommy or Daddy. One hand holding her soft-toy, Howie and the other clutching the parent’s fingers.  If you happen to be on the street at 8 in the morning, you will see this tiny tot bouncing on the road with laughter and sunshine.

Oblivious to what her innocence does to others, Sara is very much happy in her own sweet world where telling Howie every single feeling is extremely important. Today is a good day, she feels. Mommy is in a very nice mood and Daddy too is very happy. They have stopped talking very loudly and are behaving politely with each other. Sara can finally ask for the special, chocolate flavoured cereal today. While enjoying the special cereal, Sara takes a look outside. The sun is out bright. It has made the roads yellow in colour. She loves yellow and pink. Often wonders if there is a pink sun as well, but yellow will do too. Elders walking on the road amuse Sara. They look so serious and intense, like always on a mission. Nobody has a Howie and nobody walks slowly. The worst part is elders don’t like smiling all the time. So Sara does not like seeing them a lot. Seeing Howie is good. He has a permanent smile on his face. It is time to walk to school with Mommy. A tasty breakfast makes Sara all the more bright today. She shows Howie all the green trees, red houses, big cars and white flowers. She has to know which colour is what as today is Art Day at school. That is an exciting thought. Miss Lily will give them a topic and Sara will draw a pretty Picture with Howie, of course. Miss Lily is so beautiful, more than Mommy but that cannot be said out loud. We don’t want Mommy yelling and shouting again. Now that beauty has been brought up, Sara has to tell Howie about the dreams she had last night. They were full of unicorns and castles and fairies and elves. All the magical creatures had gathered for a pretty feast. Everyone was laughing and dancing until some people called terrorists, rapists, politicians and murderers attacked them and the dream ended. So strange but let’s forget it and think about what to draw today at school.  Mommy kisses goodbye and Sara runs off to her class. Miss Lily is wearing a yellow dress today. How pretty she looks. Howie cannot stop staring at her. Drawing goes well. Sara remembers all the colours and uses them in the right places. Miss Lily says many good things about everyone’s drawings and rewards the class with blueberry muffins. As Sara munches the delicious muffins, she tells Howie, this is one of the better days than the rest. No tears, no loud words, no saddening darkness, no need of tears. Sara is pleased with everything today. Howie agrees.

Sara suddenly feels very tired. Maybe all the drawing and talking to Howie makes her feel weak. She also feels very hot. The yellowness of the sun makes people feel hot. She does not like this feeling. She feels hot but cannot see yellow. She sees grey instead. Nothing but the colour grey. She hates it but right now there seems no option. Even Howie seems lost. She thinks of calling out to Miss Lily to help her find yellow or the smiling face of Howie but no voice comes out of her. Sara falls off her chair. She hears the commotion around her. Miss Lily is asking her to wake up but Sara has no strength to reply. Now she also feels a very very bad pain in her chest. This is not a good sign; she had seen on television that chest pains send people to hospitals but after some days they get well. Right now, Sara was becoming worse. Everything has stopped making sense. Mommy-Daddy-Yellow-Rape-Fairy…??? She has started to fade away from reality. She passes away. The little girl is no more. The ambulance goes back empty. Miss Lily cannot stop crying. The other children are sent home. Mommy and Daddy rush from work and wail incessantly at the sight of their lifeless little daughter.  Nobody’s fault, nobody’s mistake…just an act of fate. Now there will be no special cereal, no walking to school, no remembering of colours and no thought of a pink sun.

Little Sara still talks, she still has special cereal and she still remembers all her colours. She is in Heaven now. Perched on a fluffy white cloud, she keeps an eye on Mommy, Daddy and Miss Lily too. She misses them sometimes but she loves Heaven now. The Angels take care of her. They look like the elders but never stop smiling. She even has Howie with her so the talking never ever stops. Sara still dreams and now the dreams are so peaceful and pleasant. Nothing bad ever happens. As she smiles down upon the Earth, the sun becomes a little more yellow, the water turns a little more blue, the trees get a little more green and a pink rainbow appears in the sky.